North Cape 4000 for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices

I’m participating in NC4K this July to raise money for EACH. This means covering over 4000km in less than 22 days, solo and unsupported.

Please donate what you can to my JustGiving page and share the adventure with your friends and family.

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice offer a family-centred, needs-led approach to care, ensuring all of the needs of the children and young people we care for are met - whether psychological, physical, emotional, social or spiritual.

They are a charity close to my heart since they’re currently looking after my baby nephew and his family.

I’ll be updating my blog along the way and throughout training. Read about the high, lows, and whys behind the hardest ride I’ve ever tackled.

For more interactive updates follow my Instagram or LinkedIn

We can’t do this alone.

If you’re able to help with practical advice on training, or material support like a bike or bike accessories, please get in touch! I’ve never participated in a race so all tips and resources are appreciated :)

Email me at or reach out to me on social media.

Together we can do more for East Anglia’s Children Hospices